Delete Design Options and Option Sets

Deleting a design option or a design option set also removes the elements and views associated with the options.

When you delete a single design option, Revit removes the following from the project:

When you delete a design option set, Revit removes all of its design options, their elements, and associated views (as for deleting a design option).

If you are ready to incorporate a design option into the main model, do not use these Delete procedures for the undesired options. Instead, see Incorporate a design option into the main model for instructions.

Note: You cannot delete a primary option. If you want to delete a primary option, you must first demote it to a secondary option (by promoting a secondary option to be primary). When the undesired option is a secondary option, you can then delete it. See Promote a Secondary Option to the Primary Option. If you want to delete a primary option, and it is the only option in the set, delete the design option set.

To delete a design option

  1. Click Manage tabDesign Options panel (Design Options).
  2. If you are currently editing a design option, click Finish Editing.
  3. In the Design Options dialog, select the design option to delete.
  4. Under Option, click Delete.
  5. If the design option has one or more dedicated views (or views for which the Visible in Option property is set), the Delete Dedicated Option Views dialog lists the associated views. Do the following:
    1. Clear the check boxes for any views that you do not want to delete.

      For these views, the design option settings on the Visibility/Graphics dialog will be changed to Automatic for the related design option set.

      Note: If the Visible in Option property for a view specifies the unwanted design option, you cannot clear its check box in the Delete Dedicated Option Views dialog. If you do not want to delete this view when deleting the design option, cancel the delete operation. Change the Visible in Option property for that view to specify another design option or All. (See Deleting Views Associated with Design Options.) Then repeat this procedure to delete the unwanted design option.
    2. Click Delete to delete the design option and the selected views.

    Revit deletes the selected design option and the selected views.

To delete a design option set

  1. Click Manage tabDesign Options panel (Design Options).
  2. If you are currently editing a design option, click Finish Editing.
  3. In the Design Options dialog, select the design option set to delete.
  4. Under Option Set, click Delete.
  5. At the confirmation prompt, click Yes.
  6. If the design options in the set have dedicated views (or views for which the Visible in Option property is turned on), the Delete Dedicated Option Views dialog lists the associated views. Do the following:
    1. Clear the check boxes for any views that you do not want to delete.
    2. Click Delete to delete the design options in the set and the selected views.

    Revit deletes the entire design option set, including all of its design options, their elements, and the selected views.