About Room Areas and Perimeters for Design Options

Rules for how the perimeter and area of a room are determined in design options.

If the shape, size, or location of the room is the same in different options, and you want properties assigned to the room to be the same for all options, keep the room in the main model.

If you want a room to vary in shape, size, or location in each design option, or to have different room properties (such as occupancy) in each design option, add the room to each design option in the set. To do this, you can use either of the following methods:

If you want the shape, size, or location of a room to vary among different options of multiple option sets, do the following:

  1. In the main model, use room separation lines to divide the space into rooms. (Do not, however, add room elements to the main model.)
  2. Create one option set for each of these rooms.
  3. In the design options for a set, add the rooms.

You can then create dedicated views to display different combinations of the design options from each set. (See Dedicate Views to a Design Option.)