Consider the rules governing steel fabrication elements when working with tags.
You can add tags (Tag by Category or Tag All) on elements that are part of structural connections and on fabrication elements.
- Tags on elements in a custom connection have an unstable behavior when you edit the connection - they lose content when adding or removing elements.
- Tags on holes on simple plates that are not part of a connection will not be deleted along with the holes.
- Tags on elements that are part of a connection will not be deleted when removing a tagged element using the options in the connection-specific parameter dialog.
- Tags on linked elements will lose their content after saving the linked file.
- Structural connection tags and profile tags are not loaded into the project by default. You can create and load family tags for connections and profiles, but the parameters available for tags offer limited information.
- Tags on plates, bolts, anchors, holes or shear studs may not follow the elements when you rotate them.
- Tags on holes placed on simple plates that are not part of a connection will be deleted along with the holes, but will reappear, if another group of holes is placed.
- Tags added on connection elements will be deleted when you remove an element from the connection, using Modify parameters, but will automatically reappear if you add the element again.
- Tags on steel elements do not disappear if a view is cropped to not include the tagged element.
Tip: If a category of elements that are part of a connection are hidden, using the Visibility/Graphics dialog, the tags placed on those elements will not be hidden along with the elements. If you want to easily hide the tags, select one of the tags and use Hide by Category.