Disable Rebar Constraints

Disable rebar constraints to prevent unwanted changes of bar dimensions.

A bar handle with a disabled constraint doesn't react to changes of the concrete faces but can be moved manually.

To disable a rebar constraint handle

  1. Select one or more rebar.
  2. Click Modify | Structural Rebar tab Constraints panel (Edit Constraints).
  3. Select a bar handle .
    Note: When editing the constraints for multiple bars, the corresponding handles for the other bars in the selection are automatically selected.
  4. Click Modify | Edit Rebar Constraints tab Constraints panel (Disable Current).
    Note: A bar handle with a disabled constraint shows a warning message when you select it in Edit Constraints. It also doesn't show offset or any other controls .
  5. Change the dimensions of the concrete element and notice that handles with disabled constraints stay in place .
  6. Alternatively, click (Disable All) to disable the constraints for all rebar handles to prevent the automatic adjustment of the bars.

To reset a rebar constraint

Rebar Constraints Status

You can check the status of rebar constraints using the Rebar Constraints Status parameter, available in schedules, filters, and tags. This parameter can show if all the constraints are enabled, all are disabled, or if some are disabled.

Example of using filters to show the rebar constraints status:

  • - All Disabled
  • - Some Disabled