Video: Modify Schedule Layout and Format

Use the Modify Schedules/Quantities tab to modify the appearance of a schedule and the information it displays.

This video demonstrates the following:

  1. Add and modify fields in a simple door schedule.
  2. View the schedule changes on a sheet.
  3. Apply conditional formatting to a schedule and a sheet.
  4. Add striping to rows of the schedule.
  5. Add an image to a schedule.
  6. Select the information that appears in a schedule header.
Note: This video was recorded using Revit 2021. When performing the procedures using Revit LT, you may notice minor differences in functionality and user interface.


You can improve the formatting and layout of schedules to accommodate project standards. In this video, we will use a room schedule to demonstrate the various ways these modifications are made.

You can add data columns to a schedule to include additional information. Click Insert and select the fields to add. To adjust the order of the columns, select fields and move them up or down in the Scheduled Fields list.

Select whole columns by clicking column header indexes. Click Shading to apply background color to data columns or header cells. This also carries over to sheets that contain the schedule.

To enable conditional formatting, select the Formatting edit button on the Properties palette. Here you can set that conditional formatting for the area field. Select "Show conditional format on sheets", and the formatting is enabled.

On the Appearance tab of the Schedule Properties dialog, define the default title, header, and data font styles by selecting system text types. We will also add striped rows to the table making it easier to read. Use the drop down to select which row to stripe, and then select the color for the striping. Enable "Show Stripe Rows on Sheets" if you want the effect on the schedule view and the sheet view.

In the header area, you can add rows and columns to include project-specific information. Here we will add a row and merge extra columns into 4 columns of equal width.

You can add images such as your brand or logo to a schedule. Click Insert Image and navigate to the image you'd like to add. If necessary, increase the row height to better accommodate the image. When you click in a cell in the header area, parameter data is available.

The title cell shows the name of the schedule. You can enter phases, or project information such as name, number, or simple text strings. Change the text alignment for the cells as needed.

You can set font overrides to a cell, as well as line styles for cell borders. Experiment with the tools available on the Modify Schedules/Quantities tab to customize the look and feel of your schedules.