Video: Crop a View

Use crop regions to control the elements that are visible in a view.

This video demonstrates the following:

  1. Understand how applying a crop region affects a view.
  2. Use crop region view controls on the View Control Bar.
  3. Adjust the extents of the crop region.
  4. Display the printed size of the crop region.
  5. Create a non-rectangular crop region.
Note: This video was recorded using Revit 2017. When performing the procedures using Revit LT, you may notice minor differences in functionality and user interface.


The crop region of a view controls what elements are visible in a view. Model elements or parts of a model element outside of the crop region of a view will not display. When the annotation crop of a view is enabled, annotation elements must fall inside the annotation crop of the view to be visible. ​

On the View Control Bar, there are 2 controls related to the crop region of the view. The first one controls whether the view is cropped. The second one controls the visibility of the crop region element. Click the first control to turn on and off the crop region of the view. The controls for the crop region are also found on the Properties palette. When a red X displays, the view is not cropped. In most cases, you will want to crop the view. The view is cropped when the geometry in the view is limited. ​

To adjust the extents of the crop region, turn on the visibility of the crop region. Select the crop region and use the grips to adjust the extents. Model elements outside of the crop region do not display. Datum extents, such as the level indicators in this view, extend a default distance away from the edge of the crop region, and adjust automatically as you change the extents of the crop region. ​

Annotation elements outside of the crop region display unless the annotation crop of the view is enabled. On the Properties palette, select Annotation Crop. Additional dotted lines representing the annotation crop display. Use the grips to adjust the annotation crop, independent of the crop region, when you want to control which annotation displays in the view. ​

Click Size Crop on the contextual panel of the ribbon to display the size of the view when printed. Adjusting the size in this dialog changes the extents of the crop region. If you need a different printed size, you must change the view scale. ​

When working with a large view, such as a wall section, use the break controls on the crop region to break the view. Use the control to move the broken portions of the view closer together to make the overall dimensions of the view smaller. ​A break line detail component can be placed to better annotate the view. Click Edit Crop to enable sketch mode, and create a non-rectangular crop region. When you have made all the changes to a view, use the control on the View Control Bar to turn off the crop region visibility to display a cleaner view. ​

Use crop region controls to help you manage views and present the project.