Clips and the Clip Maker

View a demo on creating and editing clips within the Clip Maker in VRED.

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Video captions: Available are two created animations, each for the driver's door and the trunk lid of the car. For more information on the creation of animations, please view the video Keyframe Curves in the Animation section. Select the first group in the Curve Editor and pick, under Curve, Create Block. Repeat this step for the second group. With a block element, animations can be saved. From objects, you can create an endless amount of blocks. Block elements can be used in the Clipmaker to arrange more complex animations. You can access them and their possible editability at any time. Detach the Curve Editor window and move it as you please. If necessary, call up the Clipmaker with the help of the Quick Access bar. In the menu, under Edit, select New Clip. Change the name to Door_Back and subordinate it to the corresponding block element from the Curve Editor. Playback the animation with the help of the Clipmaker. Select the clip. The clip is freely movable, and also modifiable in length on the timeline.

Via cycles, the clip can be repeated as many times as desired. You can define how often the clip is repeated in the sequence without duplicating the clip. The length depends on the length of the main clip. Choose the value 2 and playback the animation. Select the clip and call up the submenu with the aid of the right mouse button. Pick Duplicate Flipped. The clip is inverted when duplicated, meaning that the starting point of the new clip is the endpoint of the old clip. Play back the animation. The length of the clip can be altered freely.

Open the Curve Editor and drag via drag and drop the second block element into the Clipmaker. Different block elements can be comfortably arranged in the Clipmaker. Thus, you can coordinate the timing of animation sequences.