
Learn about the Sequencer and how to use predefined script that can be called up and run via sequences for presentations.

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Video captions: In the current scene contains the variant sets, Street and Studio. With the help of the Sequencer, we want to render our objects in these two different environments. Open the Sequencer from the Interaction menu. In the Sequencer, predefined scripts can be called up and run via sequences. Normally, the sequences are used for presentation purposes in this process.

Create a new sequence with the help of the plus symbol. Call up the Sequencer submenu with the aid of the right mouse button and rename the sequence to Environment Variable. Again, call up the submenu and add the action, set environment variable, to define to which location the images are saved. The name is VRED project directory, which corresponds to the value c vred. Change this to any desired path.

Generate a new sequence. Move the newly created sequence down with the help of the arrow button. Add Select Variant Set as the action. Under name, define which variant set should be played. In our case, we first want to run the variant set, Studio.

To generate the image, add a further action. Pick Create Snapshot. Under filename, the name of the image can be set. In this case, we want to save the image with the sequence name to the already defined path, c tutorials renderings. Rename the sequence to Studio. With width and height, you can control the resolution of the image. Furthermore, you can enable the creation of an alpha channel.

Move the sequence, create snapshot, one position downwards. Provided that the render settings are not defined by a sequence, the settings from the scene are used.

Duplicate the sequence, Studio, and change, under Select Variant Set, the name to Street, to ensure the variant set, Street, is called up. Alter the sequence name to Street, as the name of the picture refers to the sequence name. Activate your sequence and execute the rendering by selecting the Play button.