Overview of Material Types

Get an overview of material types in VRED.

Video captions: VRED offers you a wide range of materials. The Phong material is a standard shader. Unicolor paint, Metallic paint, and FlipFlop paint are car finish materials. For metallic surfaces, use Chrome and the Brushed Metal material. For plastic, leather, wood, stone, or anything else, use the Plastic material. For a double clear coat finish or highly reflective non-metallic surfaces, use the Reflective Plastic material. With carbon materials, you can simulate interlocked materials with the tire material, Tires. For all transparent material, use the Glass material. Measured materials are presets and very realistic, Shadow materials only show shadows, and the Multipass materials serves a container for other underlaying materials. The Switch material is only used for variants and the Glow only in OpenGL for lighting effects. Sphere Environment and Environment Switch materials are environmental materials, and HDR textures only should be applied to them. Skylight material simulates a physically correct sky. Velvet material and Woven Cloth material are used for textiles and cloth.