Selecting Objects in the Scenegraph

Learn how to select objects in the Scenegraph in VRED.

Video captions: Open the Scenegraph module to get an overview of all the nodes in your scene. By default, every VRED scene needs a Root node and four default cameras.

To display the hierarchy of the scenegraph nodes, click in the arrow in front of them or use the slider to display the depth of your scenegraph or its buttons to expand or collapse the selected node.

To select a node, left-click on one in your scenegraph.

To get feedback from your selection in the Render Window, activate Boundings for a bounding box, Wireframe, or both in your toolbar.

To select multiple objects, click Ctrl + left-click on your nodes.

To select a list of nodes, left-click in the first, then Shift + left-click on the last node you want to select.

To select objects by name, just type a node's name in the Search field in the upper part of the Scenegraph.

The advanced search is more powerful than our typical search. It is based on Python, to help search and navigate large amounts of data and deep graphs. It provides the ability to search both scene data and metadata, together in combination or seperately. See Advanced Searches in the documentation.

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