Camera Editor Decoupling

The decoupling of the Camera Editor is complete, making it possible to access all properties via the Python API. Menus and quick access icons have been added, making it easier to locate options and access frequently used tools. Use the search, filtering, and collapse/expand controls to locate cameras and viewpoints in the Tree List. Split the Tree List into two views for easier sorting/grouping. Improved the loading and saving of tracks and viewpoints. Also, when working with tracks, the number of tracks selected in the Tree List determines the number of tracks displayed in the Track View. And lastly, properties can now be changed on multi-selection for cameras and viewpoints.

Menu Changes

In 2023.2, we added the Edit, Create, and Selection menus. We also added icons in front of menu options and made changes to the File and right-click context menus.

File Menu Changes

Load Settings from Rendering was changed to Load Rendering Metadata.

Context Menu Changes

In the right-click context menu, you will find these changes:

  • Options were regrouped, making them easier to locate
  • Load was changed to Load Camera(s)
  • Load Settings from Rendering was changed to Load Rendering Metadata
  • Edit and its options were added

Edit Menu

Find the following options in the Edit menu:

  • Activate icon Activate - Activates the selected camera and connects it to the Render Window.

  • Rename icon Rename (Ctrl + R) - Renames the selected content.

  • Copy icon Copy (Ctrl + C) - Copies the selected content to the clipboard.

  • Paste icon Paste (Ctrl + V) - Pastes copied content from the clipboard to the selection.

  • Duplicate icon Duplicate (Ctrl + D) - Duplicates the currently selected root items.

  • Delete icon Delete (Del) - Deletes the currently selected camera, viewpoint, or track.

  • Paste Attributes - Provides the following pasting options:

    • All icon All - Pastes all attributes.

    • Viewing icon Viewing - Pastes only the camera view attributes.

    • Camera Attributes icon Camera Attributes - Pastes the general camera attributes.

    • Tonemapping icon Tonemapping - Pastes only the camera tonemapping attributes.

    • Color Correction icon Color Correction - Pastes only the camera color correction attributes.

    • Glow icon Glow - Pastes only the camera glow attributes.

    • Glare icon Glare - Pastes only the camera glare attributes.

    • Blending icon Blending - Pastes only the camera blending attributes.

  • Mirror - Pastes only the X, Y, or Z mirror reflection of the camera.

  • Set To Current View icon Set To Current View - Updates the selected viewpoint with the current position and orientation.

  • Reset View icon Reset View - Resets the view to its initial settings.

Create Menu

Video captions: Also, the Aim and Aim Up of a camera is now displayed and you can find these nodes now very easy with a right click.

When an entity is created, its node is in "name edit" mode, ready for renaming. Find the following options in the Create menu:

  • Camera icon Camera - Creates a camera with a perspective view. Perspective view is similar to the view of human eyes. Objects further away seem smaller than objects right in front.

  • Camera with Aim icon Camera with Aim - Creates a separate node for the camera and aim. Each node is selectable and can be moved in the Render Window.

  • Camera with Aim and Up icon Camera with Aim and Up - Creates a separate node for the camera, aim, and up. Each node is selectable and can be moved in the Render Window.


Cameras with Camera with Aim icon Aim and Camera with Aim and Up icon Aim and Up now display their corresponding targets in the Camera Editor. Use Select Node (context menu) to easily find these targets in the Scenegraph.

Also, it is not possible to delete aims or ups in the Camera Editor. If targets are deleted in the Scenegraph, an Camera with Aim icon Aim camera becomes a normal Camera icon Perspective camera.

  • Viewpoint icon Viewpoint - Creates a bookmark for the viewpoint, capturing the position and orientation of the camera(s). A camera track, which stores the viewpoints, is created below the camera.
  • Track icon Track - Enables you to use the camera animation within the Clip Maker. To do so, create an animation block inside the Curve Editor. Drag the camera block into the Clip Maker to use it.

  • Create Group icon Create Group - Creates an empty group. Drag and drop cameras into the group.

Selection Menu

Find the following options in the Selection menu:

  • Select Node icon Select Node (Ctrl + N) - Selects camera node in the Scenegraph.
  • Select Aim Node icon Select Aim Node - Selects camera aim node in the Scenegraph.
  • Select Up-Vector Node icon Select Up-Vector Node - Selects camera up-vector node in the Scenegraph.

Search Bar and Filtering

Video captions: You can also use now the new filters for a faster and easier search.

The Search Bar and filtering provide live-search and filtering capabilities within the Camera Editor.

Search Bar and Filtering

Entering one character hides all cameras with names that don't include that character. Search by name, using the Search Bar. Only single search terms are supported.

  • Toggle Search Depth icon Toggle Search Depth - Toggles between flat and recursive matching. When disabled, only top-level matches appear. When enabled, matches deeper in the hierarchy appear.

    Original Flat Match Recursive Match
    Original tree Flat match shows only top level nodes that match Resursive match shows nodes containing a match deeper within the hierarchy

  • Toggle Type Filter icon Toggle Type Filter - Activated once a filter is performed. The cameras displayed are the result of this filter. It is automatically deactivated when the Select none filtering option is selected.

  • Filter icon Filter Selection menu - Use these options for configuring the filter settings. Use it, for example, to toggle between all cameras and only aim and up cameras.

    Filter Selection menu

    The Filter Selection menu contains all the ways you can filter cameras, from type to the following. Use these filtering options in conjunction with a search term to further define a search.

    • Select All - Displays all items, which is the default.

    • Select None - Clears the filtering selection, reloading all items in the tree list.

    • Invert Selection - Displays all previously unselected items only.

    • Camera - Displays only all cameras.

    • Camera with Aim - Displays only all cameras with an aim.

    • Camera with Aim and Up - Displays only all aim and up cameras.

    The remaining options display only that specific viewpoint.

Tree List

The Tree List on the left lists all scene-contained cameras, camera tracks, and viewpoints, which can be grouped.

Camera, camera track, and viewpoint in Tree List

When a camera track or viewpoint is selected, its parent node text is highlighed blue.

Parent node text is highlighed blue

Double-clicking a camera activates and connects it to the Render Window. Clicking the camera loads its parameters.

Camera parameters

Right-clicking a camera accesses a context menu with options for creating, editing, activating, selecting, saving, and loading. For information on these options, see the Context Menu.

Camera context menu

Tree List Controls

Video captions: And, close or expand the Tree View. Additionally, you can split the Tree View, which can be very helpful for navigating within a huge scene.

Drag the slider at the bottom of the tree or click its buttons to expand and collapse the Tree List.

Collapsed and expanded tree

Click-drag Section Drag to expose a second tree list.

Section Drag

One tree list can display search and filter results, while the other is unaffected. Drag and drop cameras from one tree into the other.

Filtering of the second tree list

Attribute Changes

These are the changes found in the Attributes:

  • In Camera Settings > Animation, the Animation option used for turntable animations was split into two options:

    • Turntable - Creates an animation that rotates the camera 360° counterclockwise around the perpendicular axis of the focused object. Double right-click an object to center the camera on that point and locate the center of the turntable. You can also use Zoom To to make the center of the turntable the same as the selected object. Aim cameras will use the rotation pivot of the aim node as the pivot of the turntable. Playback starts when Play is pressed. The duration of the 360° rotation can be set in Animation Duration.

    • Animation Duration - Sets the length in seconds of the animation playback. The shorter the duration, the faster the animation rotates.

    In 2023.1 In 2023.2
    Turntable animations options 2023 Turntable animations options 2023.2
  • In Advanced > Collision Detection, the Algorithm attribute now has a label.

Track View

Video captions: Also, the Track View is now different and only the selected tracks will be visible. Additionally, you can update the preview thumbnails for a single track or for all tracks.

The following changes were made to the Track View:


  • As of version 2023.2, the number of tracks selected in the Tree List determines the number of tracks displayed in the Track View.

Video captions: You can also do a multi-selection on cameras like you are already used to, within the Light or Material Editor, where different values will be marked in yellow, and you can change values for multiple cameras in one go.


Before 2023.2, all tracks where listed, regardless of tree list selection.

One Track Selected Multiple Tracks Selected
One Track Selected Multiple Tracks Selected
  • To the 2 Track Controls, we added Update Track, which re-renders all previews inside the track.

  • To the 3 Viewpoint Controls, we changed the Recapture icon to Recapture icon.

    We also added these controls, which affect the specific viewpoint:

    Update Preview icon Update Preview - Re-renders the viewpoint with the current scene settings.

    Animation Properties icon Show Animation Properties - Opens the Animation Properties dialog for setting the name, fade-in time, animation duration, pause time, override track settings, and hotkeys.

  • We also added these quick shortcuts:

    Add Track icons Add Track creates a new empty track in the Track View and Tree List.

    Update Previews icons Update Previews (which is only available when multiple tracks are selected) re-renders and updates all previews for the selected tracks in the Tree List.

Icon Bar

Camera Editor Icon Bar

The following icons were added to the Icon Bar. Note that the icon for Toggle Glow was updated.

Set Current View Set Current View - Updates selected viewpoint with the current position and orientation.

Toggle Glare Toggle Glare - Toggles the glare effect on or off.

Toggle Glow Toggle Glow - Toggles the glow effect on or off.

Toggle Fog Toggle Fog - Toggles the fog effect on or off.

Toggle Lens Flare Toggle Lens Flare - Toggles the lens flare effect on or off.