Help Changes

Collapsible sections, the VRED Menus button, a reference landing page, and learnMore icon learn more lists to draw your attention to additional information, were added. The structure of the help also changed to make it easier to find the answers you need to get back to VRED.

VRED Menus

We added a VRED Menus button along the top, next to Help Home icon Help Home, that provides a list of menus corresponding to the main VRED menus. Click an option to open a landing page with links to help for each menu option.

VRED Menus button VRED Toolbar

Collapsible Sections

We added collapsible sections for chunking information to make it compact and quicker to visually scan and navigate the help.

Collapsible sections

Learn More

Within the help, we use various tools to help you find what you need:

Restructuring the Table of Contents

This is an ongoing project. In 2023, we have condensed the TOC, making the following changes: