Rendering Improvements

We made improvements to Measured Carpaint and Improve Color Depth, added supports for render layer and Visible in Alpha in OpenGL, and updated to DLSS 2.4.

Measured Carpaint

Improved Measured Carpaint in Precomputed and OpenGL modes to provide similar and more accurate results.

Visible in Alpha for OpenGL

Added support for the Render Layer´s Visible in Alpha in OpenGL for defining invisible geometry that occludes other geometry in real-time. This is not only a nice to have render feature, but very helpful for augmented reality. For instance, you can now easily make objects invisible and map a part of the virtual car onto a physical object.

Improve Color Depth

Improved dithering, using a larger blue noise dithermatrix to correct dark gray gradient banding artefacts. Now, Improve Color Depth drastically reduces banding artefacts in all rendering modes.

DLSS 2.4

Updated to DLSS 2.4.