Purge Files in a Vault

Purge file versions in a vault by specifying criteria to determine which files are removed.

You can specify criteria for removing versions from a vault. You specify the conditions that must be met in order for a file version to be kept in the vault. Versions that do not meet the specified criteria are then removed from the vault.

Files are purged based on revision and lifecycle rules. To purge files that are not controlled by a lifecycle, configure the version selection criteria section in the Purge Files dialog.

  1. In the ADMS Console, select the vault for which you want to purge file versions.

  2. Select Actions > Purge Files.

  3. In the Purge Files dialog, turn on the check box next to each of the selection rules to determine the data to be purged:

    Versions except latest

    Specify how many file versions to leave in the vault.

    Versions older than days

    Specify how old the files to purge should be.

    Exclude versions where comment contains:

    Enter a text string contained within the Comments field of the files in the vault. Any files containing this string will be excluded from the purge process.

  1. Click Export Candidates to generate a pre-report (.csv-file) that shows the list of purge candidates.

    Note: The pre-report includes all file versions that can be purged. However, some candidate file versions can't be purged if some non-purgeable parent files use them.
  2. Click OK to confirm the purge.