Learn about using items in Vault.
Autodesk Vault Professional tracks the lifecycle of items used to manufacture products. The vault manages the files necessary to produce those items, such as CAD designs and the supporting documentation. Because information from the vault needs to be consumed by departments outside of engineering, the files in the vault are linked to items. When a file is assigned an item, a unique item number based on your company's standard is assigned to the item and a Bill of Materials is generated that tracks the relationships between associated items using the file relationship information from the vault.
What is an item?
Items refer to what a company manages, assembles, sells, and manufactures. An item is identified by its item number or part number. Items typically represent:
- Parts
- Assemblies
- Consumable goods such as fluids, lubricants, and artwork
- Bills of Material
Items can be created in two ways:
- Assign an item to a file using the Assign Item command.
- Drag and Drop files into the Item Master tab
- Drag and Drop files into the Item Master node in the browser
- Use the New item command within the Item Master to create an item from scratch.
What is the item master?
The Item Master is the complete list of all items within the vault. You can switch to the Item Master view by clicking the Item Master group button.
Item Tasks
Each item in the vault has an item record. Use the Item Record dialog box to perform the following item tasks:
- View general item details
- View and edit item properties
- Change item numbers
- Change item lifecycle state or revision
- View item revision history
- View and edit BOM data
- View where used information
- View Change Orders applied to the item
- Add items to a new or existing Change Order
- Attach files and edit attachments
Item rules
The following files can be assigned items:
Inventor .ipt and .iam files checked in using the Inventor add-in.
AutoCAD and AutoCAD Mechanical .dwg files checked in using the add-in for AutoCAD products.
AutoCAD Electrical project file (wdp).
Note: If you assign an item to a .dwg file that belongs to an AutoCAD Electrical project, the project file is assigned to an item, and each .dwg that belongs to that project is assigned to an item.Any non-CAD files such as Microsoft Office documents.
The files must be checked into the vault before assigning an item.
The files must be checked in with a native application to have the BOM information for assign and update item.
The permission assigned to a user determines the item tasks the user can perform.
The security of an item determines which operations may be applied to an item.
Who can work with items?
Vault Professional uses a secure database. A user must have an account to access data and must be assigned appropriate user permissions. User permissions are set using the following roles: