Configure connected workgroups to improve the performance of Microsoft SQL for remote sites.
You must understand replication before you can understand how Connected Workgroups operate.
Replication is the process of copying data from one server to another server. The servers are usually located in two different physical locations. This setup allows a Vault environment in two locations so that it is not necessary to download large CAD files across a Wide Area Network (wan) connection.
A workgroup is a group of users that share data via a local network.
A connected workgroup is a workgroup that can share data with other workgroups, using Microsoft SQL Publisher/Subscriber technology to support multiple database servers. This technology allows the replication of the SQL database at multiple locations.
Note: It is recommended to avoid using NETBIOS non-compliant computer names for Vault Servers. Refer to the following Microsoft article: [Naming conventions for computer accounts.](
Find the port being used by your servers
1. Open the SQL Server Configuration Manager
2. Expand the SQL Server Network Configuration
3. Select Protocols for AUTODESKVAULT
4. In the right pane, double-click on TCP/IP
5. Select the IP Address tab
6. Scroll to the bottom of the list and find the port under the IP All section -> TCP Dynamic Ports
7. Use this port number in the SQL AUTODESKVAULT line of the script below to open the dynamic port in the Windows firewall.
Copy the following line into a batch file to open the necessary ports.
@echo ========= SQL Server Ports ===================
@echo Enabling SQLServer default instance port 1433
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="SQLServer" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=1433
@echo Enabling Dedicated Admin Connection port 1434
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="SQL Admin Connection" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=1434
@echo Enabling port for SQL Server Browser Service's 'Browse' Button
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="SQL Browser" dir=in action=allow protocol=UDP localport=1433
@echo Enabling SQL Server Dynamic port
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="SQL AUTODESKVAULT" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=52404
@echo ========= Misc Applications ==============
@echo Enabling HTTP port 80
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="HTTP" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=80
Troubleshooting Tips
- Use the SQL Management Studio to verify that you can connect to the remote SQL servers.
- Use a web browser to verify you have port 80 open.
- Use Windows Explorer and the replication user credentials to verify each server has access to the snap shot share.
A connected workgroup is a configuration of file stores that have been replicated from one site to another and that are managed by the Microsoft SQL database. The following illustration shows a typical workgroup configuration. All sites in a single workgroup share the same Microsoft SQL server.
To allow sites to have their own database server to increase SQL performance, Vault uses connected workgroups. The following illustration shows a workgroup with two different sites connected to a second workgroup with a single site.
The installation of a Connected Workgroup environment requires each component to be installed and configured in the correct order, as follows.
Note: Install this with a preconfigured instance named AutodeskVault and the same password as the publisher.
If you created a replication user account, use those credentials under Remote Replication Credentials.
A background process configures the remote SQL server as a subscriber, and starts to replicate the KVM database from the publisher. Once the secondary server has completed its configuration, it is added to the Workgroups tree in the console.
Before adding a workgroup be sure that the SQL server can communicate with the Vault server through the firewall. This can be done by allowing an exception for the SQL executables sqlbrowser.exe and sqlserver.exe.
Once you have configured the publisher, you can install the Vault server console on the subscriber and enable Vault replication.
Vault opens information dialog boxes that describe the vault synchronization frequency and tell you that the vault has been enabled.