Install Vault Server on Windows Server 2019 and 2022

Load Internet Information Services on your Windows Server 2019 or 2022 system.

Note: See Hardware Requirements for recommended specifications.

Load IIS

  1. From the Windows Desktop Bar, select Server Manager.

  2. In the Quick Start section of the Dashboard, select Add roles and features.

  3. For the Installation type, select Role-based or feature-based installation.

  4. For Server Selection, select the server you are currently working on.

  5. Select Server Roles on the left and check Web Server (IIS) in the Roles list.

  6. If prompted to automatically add other services, select Add Features.

  7. On the Server Roles section, select the following Roles:

  8. Click Install.

Once the IIS is configured, run the installation from the Autodesk Vault server media.

Note: Alternatively, you can install IIS with all of the necessary components by running the following command line. This is a one line command line. If you copy and paste this into the command line, be sure to remove any carriage returns or line feeds.

DISM.EXE /enable-feature /all /online /featureName:IIS-WebServerRole /featureName:IIS-WebServer /featureName:IIS-CommonHttpFeatures /featureName:IIS-DefaultDocument /featureName:IIS-DirectoryBrowsing /featureName:IIS-HttpErrors /featureName:IIS-StaticContent /featureName:IIS-HealthAndDiagnostics /featureName:IIS-HttpLogging /featureName:IIS-Security /featureName:IIS-RequestFiltering /featureName:IIS-WindowsAuthentication /featureName:IIS-Performance /featureName:IIS-HttpCompressionStatic /featureName:IIS-WebServerManagementTools /featureName:IIS-ManagementConsole /featureName:IIS-ApplicationDevelopment /featureName:IIS-ASPNET45 /featureName:IIS-NetFxExtensibility45 /featureName:IIS-ISAPIExtensions /featureName:IIS-ISAPIFilter /featureName:IIS-IIS6ManagementCompatibility /featureName:IIS-Metabase

Install the Autodesk Vault Server

Follow these steps to install the Vault Server. The steps you must take depend on your Autodesk Vault edition.

Optional: Part 1. Install the Network License Manager

Notes: You do not need to install the Network License Manager in the following cases:

Autodesk recommends reviewing Plan your license before installing the Network License Manager.

Note: The license server does not have to be on the same server as the Vault server. Select the license server that you want to use when installing the Vault Server in Part 4.
  1. Launch the Vault Server installation.

  2. Click Install Tools & Utilities on the Installation screen.

  3. Accept the license agreement and click Next.

  4. Check Network License Manager.

    If you intend to use the Autodesk File Server along with the Vault Server, download the installation package from the Autodesk Knowledge Network.

    Note: You can always install this feature at a later time. See Install Supporting Components for more information.

    If Sharing Inventor Content Center files is needed, you can download them from Autodesk Inventor Remote Content Libraries.

    Note: See Content Center Libraries for Inventor for more information about using Content Center Libraries with Vault.
  5. Click Install.

    When the License Manager finishes installing, click Finish.

Part 2. Obtain Your License File

  1. Go to
  2. If you do not have a login you can create one. If you have a login continue to login.
  3. Choose the account to which to add your license.
  4. Enter your serial number and select your operating system for the Vault server then click next.
  5. Choose which license server type you plan on using.
  6. Enter the license server name and the license server ID (Mac address without dashes).
  7. Click Next.
  8. When presented with the license information click Save License File.

See Obtain and install a license file under the Installation for administrators topic.

Part 3. Configure Your License Server

Create a debug log file, configure your network license server, start it, and confirm that it's running. See Configure and start your license server under the Installation for administrators topic.

Part 4. Install the Vault Server (Customized)

  1. Launch the Vault Server installation.

  2. Click Install on the Installation screen.

  3. Accept the license agreement and click Next.

  4. On the Configure Installation screen, check Autodesk Vault Server.

  5. Click the down arrow under the Vault Server selection to customize your installation.

    The configuration screen allows you to make the following changes:

    • Select whether you want to use a local or remote database.

    • Change the location of the SQL installation. You can change the SQL database location, and the location for the Autodesk Vault server console application.

      Note: We recommend that you take the default locations unless you are setting up a remote site.
    • Indicate whether you want a shortcut icon on the desktop for the Autodesk Data Management Server Console.

    • Before starting the installation, a series of system diagnostics is performed to verify that the computer is configured properly for a successful server installation. The system tests return warnings or failures. The results of the tests are displayed in an interactive report. The report interface can be displayed:

      • Always show interactive interfaces
      • Show interactive interface only for failures
      • Show interactive interface only for failures or warnings

      By default, Show interactive interface only for failures or warnings is displayed. Select a mode from the drop-down list.

    • Decide whether you want to use the default SQL user ID and Password.

      If you choose not to use the default SQL user ID and password, you can define your own ID and password.

    • Decide whether to use the default Windows user name and password for the credentials.

      If you do not wish to use the default Windows user name and password, you can define your own ID and password.

    • Decide whether or not use the default IIS Configuration.

      If you decide not to use the default IIS Configuration, enter a Website name, Website URL, and Port Number.

      Note: When selecting a custom port, be sure it does not conflict with other ports.
    • Update any service packs, if available.

  6. Finish customizing your installation and click Install.

  7. The Vault Installation process performs a system diagnostic before proceeding with the installation. Perform one of the following tasks on the ADMS System Check Report screen:

    • If all checks are successful, click Continue to proceed with the installation.

    • If any pre-checks fail, the number beside Actions Required indicates the number of pre-checks that failed to pass the diagnostic process.

      Links describing each failed pre-check are listed. Click on each link to learn more about the pre-check and the steps you must take so that your systems passes the diagnostic. Make all necessary changes and click Re-Test. Once all checks are cleared, click Continue to complete the installation.