
Maya 2025.3 Update リリース ノート

Maya 2025.3 Update へようこそ!Maya 2025.3 Update は、Autodesk Account から入手できます。


このリリース ノートは、Maya、Maya Creative、またはその両方に関する既知の制限事項、問題点、修正事項について説明します。新機能と更新されたワークフローの詳細については、「Maya 2025.3 Update の新機能」および「Maya Creative の新機能」を参照してください。


Bake Simulation: Smart Bake with Keep Unbaked Keys moves keys outside specified time range MAYA-133328
Dope Sheet: Cannot assign hotkeys to Add Inbetween and Remove Inbetween MAYA-134047
Graph Editor: Assigned hotkeys are not working for Add Inbetween and Remove Inbetween MAYA-134045
Graph Editor: Crash with Auto Frame off MAYA-134543
Graph Editor: Editing tangents with multiple keys selected moves keys unexpectedly MAYA-134112
Graph Editor: Ripple mode should not affect values MAYA-133562
Motion Trail not shown for Rig with follicle MAYA-104977
GPU Override: Mesh is incorrect when undoing rig manipulation MAYA-124604
Crash when pressing Shift + Command keys in Preferences window MAYA-133567
Long load times importing with ATF_wire format MAYA-131542
Slow save performance with Maya Binary (vertex color) MAYA-130023
Preserve Material Borders option now works as expected with Mesh Reduce MAYA-134507
Improved performance with Smart Extrude when used on an object with multiple shells MAYA-125415
Bake Pivot not working when scene units are not centimeters MAYA-96398
UV Editor: Texture Image not displaying behind UVs for objects with assigned StandardSurface MAYA-134356
Fixed issue where Maya session locked up when using Quad Draw and Smooth Mesh Preview MAYA-134007
OpenPBR: Issue with specular highlights when turning viewport display settings on or off MAYA-134488
ML Deformer: Unable to load model paths with certain Unicode characters MAYA-134474
Paint Skin Weights: Remember Paint Operation and Mode option settings MAYA-134044
Fixed issue with Image planes flickering when scrubbing in Camera Sequencer MAYA-133848
