Conceptual Design Environment Overview

The conceptual design environment is a type of family editor in which you create conceptual designs using in-place and loadable mass family elements. When a conceptual design is ready, it can be loaded into the Vasari project environment (RVT file). Creating designs in this environment can accelerate the design process. See GUID-B8858693-F46D-4211-8CCC-B5E88681C466.htm#WS73099CC142F4875514C01AC112A7ACEF1614F7.

Note: The standard Family Editor is used when working with families outside the conceptual design environment. When a family is loaded from the conceptual design environment into a project, the standard massing tools are available.

To enter the conceptual design environment, use one of the following methods:

Note: The Vasari conceptual design environment creates new masses. Masses created using a previous release of Vasari use the same massing tools originally used to create them, and remain dedicated to these tools throughout the duration of the project.