Exporting Your Design to gbXML

After you have placed components in all the areas in a plan, you can export your design as a gbXML file and use a third-party load analysis software application to perform a load analysis.

Note: The gbXML file contains all of the heating and cooling information for a project according to the gbXML file structure which is based on a gbXML schema. The gbXML schema was created to help building designers get information about the energy consumption characteristics of their building projects. Refer to http://beehive.autodesk.com/community/service/rest/cloudhelp/resource/cloudhelpchannel/guidcrossbook/jsonp?v=B3&p=VASARI&l=ENU&guid=GUID-418D5435-B95E-4C84-8EF5-C2962E313D79 for more information about gbXML elements and attributes that are supported by Vasari. You can also visit http://www.gbxml.org for more information about the gbXML schema.