Unconstrained and Referenced-Based Forms

Depending on the tools used to create them, 2 types of form are created in the conceptual design environment:

The behavior of these 2 forms may differ when they are modified.

Unconstrained form Reference-based form
Displays a solid line when highlighted.
Displays a dashed line when highlighted.
Created when there is no need to rely on another form or type of reference. Created when there is a need for a parametric relationship between the form and other geometry or references.

Created using any line in the Draw panel. Click Model tabDraw panel Line.

Created using reference lines, reference points, or any part of another form. Click Model tabDraw panel Reference.

Not dependent on other objects. Dependent on its references. When its dependent reference changes, the reference-based form changes.
Profiles are unlocked by default. Profiles are locked by default for extrusions and sweeps.
The edges, surfaces, and vertices can be edited directly. Edited by directly editing the reference element. For example, select a reference line and drag it using the 3D controls.

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