Creating a Perspective Camera 3D View

Perspective Camera 3D views show the building model in a 3d view as it is seen with the eye, with height, width, and depth. You cannot create, edit or modify elements in Camera 3D views.

  1. Open the 2D site, or another 3D view.
  2. Click Manage tabViews panelCamera.
    Note: If you clear the Perspective option on the Options Bar, the view that is created is an orthographic 3D view and not a perspective view.
  3. Click in the drawing area to place the camera.
  4. Drag the cursor to the desired target and click to place it.
  5. Vasari creates a perspective 3D view and assigns a name to the view: 3D View1, 3D View2, and so on. To rename the view, in the Project Browser right-click it, and select Rename.

You can create an orthographic camera view by unchecking the Perspective checkbox in the Options Bar.

You can use a section box to limit the viewable portion of a 3D view.