Opening Files from the Web Library

To download family files or templates from Autodesk Seek or the web library for use in a project, do the following:

  1. Click Manage tabWindows panelUser Interface drop-downRecent Files.
  2. Under Families, click Autodesk Seek (for English versions of Vasari) or Web Library (for non-English versions).

    Autodesk Seek or the web library opens in a browser window.

  3. In the browser window, navigate to the desired collection, and click the family or template to download.
  4. In the File Download dialog, click Open to open the item in Vasari, or click Save to save it in a specified folder, from which it can be loaded into a project.
  5. If you opened a family and want to immediately use it in a project, do the following:
    1. Click Model tabFamily Editor panel (Load into Project).
    2. In the Load into Projects dialog, select the open projects to receive the family, and click OK.

You can see the new family in the Project Browser under Families.