General Options for DWG/DXF Export

On the General tab of the Modify DWG/DXF Export Setup dialog (see Exporting to DWG or DXF), you can specify options under the following headings:

Room and area boundaries

For rooms, the exported polylines match the boundaries of rooms in Vasari. The room boundaries are exported onto a single layer, and that layer is turned off by default in the DWG file. The polylines include the following XDATA information for room boundaries: Name, Number, Occupancy, Occupant, Department, and Comments.

For areas, the polylines include the following information for area boundaries: Name and Comments.

Non-plottable layers

Select the Make layers containing the following text not plottable option to mark as non-plottable any layers whose names contain the specified text. Note that the text box is inactive if the option is cleared.


You can select any or all of these options to hide the following types of Revit elements in the exported file:
  • Scope boxes
  • Reference planes
  • Unreferenced view tags

Default export options

If you want any Vasari or DWG links in the project to be exported to a single file rather than to several files that reference each other, make sure the Export views on sheets and links as external references option is cleared. This setting establishes the default setting in the Export CAD Formats dialog when you export using this setup.

For the Export to file format option, select the desired AutoCAD format from the drop-down list. The selected format will be the default format displayed in the Export CAD Formats dialog when you export using this setup.
Note: When the selected option is AutoCAD 2000 Format, layer names are limited to 32 characters. Vasari automatically truncates longer names, retaining the first 15 characters and the last 15 characters, separated by an underbar character (_) and suffixed with a unique numeric character.