The Slope-based parameters are more intuitive than Offset-based parameters. They have angle dimensions to directly specify lateral slopes. When designing new parts for abutments it is recommended to use slope-based parameters.
For slope-based parameters, positive values specify a downward slope away from the alignment.
Parameter Description | Content Parameter | Parametric Value | InfraWorks Set/Read | Inventor | Revit |
Ballast wall left slope | BallastWallLeftSlope | The slope angle of the left side of the ballast wall. | No/Yes | No | No |
Ballast wall right slope | BallastWallRightSlope | The slope angle of the right side of the ballast wall. | No/Yes | No | No |
Seat left slope | SeatLeftSlope | The slope angle of the left side of the abutment seat. This slope is affected by the MatchSeatToBallastWallSlopes parameter. | No/Yes | No | No |
Seat right slope | SeatRightSlope | The slope angle of the left side of the abutment seat. This slope is affected by the MatchSeatToBallastWallSlopes parameter. | No/Yes | No | No |
Match seat to ballast wall slopes | MatchSeatToBallastWallSlopes | If True, the seat slopes will match the corresponding ballast wall slopes leaving the ballast wall height constant from the left to right side of the abutment. If false, the seat slopes are independently set to provide the best fit between the seat and the bearings, minimising the required stretching of the bearings to fit them to the seat. | Yes/No | No | Yes |
BallastWallRightSlope | BallastWallLeftSlope |
SeatRightSlope | SeatLeftSlope |