3D Girder Parameters

3D girders use the full part instead of extracted cross-sections.

Parameter Description Content Parameter Parametric Value InfraWorks Set/Read Inventor Revit
* Depth at start Depth1 The distance from the top to the bottom of the girder at its start position. Yes/No No Not applicable
* Depth at end Depth2 The distance from the top to the bottom of the girder at its end position. Yes/No No Not applicable
Left deck width at start LeftDeckWidth1 The distance at the start of a girder between its origin and the origin of the girder to its immediate left. If the girder is the leftmost, then it is the distance between its origin and the left edge of the deck. No/Yes No Not applicable
Left deck width at end LeftDeckWidth2 The distance at the end of a girder between its origin and the origin of the girder to its immediate left. If the girder is the leftmost, then it is the distance between its origin and the left edge of the deck. No/Yes No Not applicable
Left bottom slope in percentage at start LeftBottomSlopeInPercentage1 The slope of the left bottom flange at the start position as a percentage. No/Yes No Not applicable
Left bottom slope in percentage at end LeftBottomSlopeInPercentage2 The slope of the left bottom flange at the end position as a percentage. No/Yes No Not applicable
Left deck slope in percentage at start LeftDeckSlopeInPercentage1 The slope of the deck to the left of the alignment at the start position as a percentage. No/Yes No Not applicable
Left deck slope in percentage at end LeftDeckSlopeInPercentage2 The slope of the deck to the left of the alignment at the end position as a percentage. No/Yes No Not applicable
Match girder bottom slopes to deck slopes MatchGirderBotSlopesToDeckSlopes Determines how the bottom of a girder is laterally aligned with a deck slope. Either True or False. Yes/No No Not applicable
Match girder top slopes to deck slopes MatchGirderTopSlopesToDeckSlopes Determines how the top of a girder is laterally aligned with a deck slope. Either True or False. Yes/No No Not applicable
Right bottom slope in percentage at start RightBottomSlopeInPercentage1 The slope of the right bottom flange at the start position as a percentage. No/Yes No Not applicable
Right bottom slope in percentage at end RightBottomSlopeInPercentage2 The slope of the right bottom flange at the end position as a percentage. No/Yes No Not applicable
Right deck slope in percentage at start RightDeckSlopeInPercentage1 The slope of the deck to the right of the alignment at the start position as a percentage. No/Yes No Not applicable
Right deck slope in percentage at end RightDeckSlopeInPercentage2 The slope of the deck to the right of the alignment at the end position as a percentage. No/Yes No Not applicable
Right deck width at start RightDeckWidth1 The distance at the start of a girder between its origin and the origin of the girder to its immediate right. If the girder is the rightmost, then it is the distance between its origin and the right edge of the deck. No/Yes No Not applicable
Right deck width at end RightDeckWidth2 The distance at the end of a girder between its origin and the origin of the girder to its immediate right. If the girder is the rightmost, then it is the distance between its origin and the right edge of the deck. No/Yes No Not applicable
* Segment length SegmentLength The length the girder needs to be to fit between its start and end positions. No/Yes No Not applicable
* Skew at start Skew1 The horizontal skew applied at the start of a girder. No/Yes No Not applicable
* Skew at end Skew2 The horizontal skew applied at the end of a girder. No/Yes No Not applicable
* Vertical slope at start VerticalSlope1FromPerp The vertical skew applied at the start of a girder. No/Yes No Not applicable
* Vertical slope at end VerticalSlope2FromPerp The vertical skew applied at the end of a girder. No/Yes No Not applicable
Note: The single asterisk '*' indicates that a parameter is a geometry parameter that is required, and has been marked as a 'key' parameter in Autodesk Inventor.

3D Girder Placement

3D girder origins are defined by lateral, longitudinal, and vertical dimensions.

Lateral and Longitudinal Dimensions. The start position for a 3D girder is determined by both its start station and lateral offset along the alignment. The origin is aligned with this position. When designed, the origin of a girder must be at the start of the girder part for this reason.

Vertical Dimension. Girder origins can be at any elevation (or Y value in the coordinate system of the girder). Girders are vertically matched to the deck above, their bearings, or supports below.

3D Girder Widths

When specifying girder widths, parameters of adjacent girders share the same widths for left to right distances as seen in the image below.

3D girder width parameters

one Girder Origins four RightDeckWidth1
two Left Deck Edge five LeftDeckWidth1
three Right Deck Edge

When a girder is the only girder supporting a deck these dimensions can make the girder the same width as the deck at girder start and end.

3D Girder Lateral Slopes

MatchGirderTopSlopesToDeckSlopes also helps determine how a girder is laterally aligned with a deck. In the following image the girder on the left is set to True, while the girder on the right is set to false.

Slope matching example

When set to True, The lateral slope portions of the underside of the deck to the left and right of the alignment are considered. Slice dimensions are then set depending on where the lateral offset of the girder is negative, 0, or positive.

Dimension Lateral Offset Set to Deck Underside Slope
LeftDeckSlopeInPercentage1 Negative Left
LeftDeckSlopeInPercentage1 0 Left
LeftDeckSlopeInPercentage1 Positive Right
LeftDeckSlopeInPercentage2 Negative Left
LeftDeckSlopeInPercentage2 0 Left
LeftDeckSlopeInPercentage2 Positive Right
RightDeckSlopeInPercentage1 Negative Left
RightDeckSlopeInPercentage1 0 Right
RightDeckSlopeInPercentage1 Positive Right
RightDeckSlopeInPercentage2 Negative Left
RightDeckSlopeInPercentage2 0 Right
RightDeckSlopeInPercentage2 Positive Right

If a girder is to the left or right of the alignment, the entire top can be sloped to match the deck left or right slope.

Similarly, when MatchGirderBotSlopesToDeckSlopes is True, LeftBotFlangeSlopeInPercentage1, LeftBotFlangeSlopeInPercentage2, RightBotFlangeSlopeInPercentage1, and RightBotFlangeSlopeInPercentage2 are set in the same manner as the top slopes.

Note: If MatchGirderTopSlopesToDeckSlopes is False, then MatchGirderBotSlopesToDeckSlopes is treated as False, regardless of its value.

End Angle Skewing

For a proper fit with other bridge features, girder start and end faces must skew horizontally to align with the support (which may also be skewed). It must also skew vertically to be perpendicular to the alignment. These angles are calculated and converted to the coordinate system of the girder using Skew1, Skew2, VerticalSlope1FromPerp, and VerticalSlope2FromPerp.