
Further Reading
See Operators in the Arnold User Guide
The Arnold for 3ds Max User Guide explains how to set up Arnold operators in the 3ds Max user interface. The Arnold User Guide provides the full documentation for Arnold shaders and shader parameters. For example, the Arnold User Guide has all the information about the operator selection expressions.

Operators allow advanced users to override any part of an Arnold scene and modify the Arnold universe at render time. Probably one of the most common use cases is to override parameters (e.g. shaders) inside a procedural (e.g. ASS or Alembic). To achieve this you must know the Arnold node and parameter names defined inside the procedural.


  • Operators should work seamlessly in the Active Shade window.
  • Tutorials about operators can be found here.
  • The Operator Graph (Arnold Menu) window is only available from 3ds Max 2019 onwards.

Operators Graph Editor window

Operators Graph Editor window (Arnold menu & Render Setup)


To add operators to the scene, you must first select Arnold->Operator Graph from the top Arnold menu. The core operators are grouped under the Built-in category.

A given Operator is set as the root operator by right mouse clicking on it and selecting Set as Target Operator. The root operator is then framed in green in the editor.

Operator branches can also be saved to .ass file with RMB + Export This/All, and re-imported (or imported into another Arnold plugin) with RMB + Import Operators.

Operators are applied globally to the scene. Any Operator connected to the root operator or to any of its children is evaluated. Operators do not have a particular output type, they just operate on the scene.

All the nodes at the scene level root are simply prefixed by '/'. So for instance, if in 3ds Max "sphere" is at the root level, it is exported to Arnold with the name "/sphere". Nodes under a hierarchy are exported with a '/' separator for each level, starting from the root. So for instance, if in 3ds Max "sphere" is at the root level, and "cube" is under "sphere", then "cube" is exported to Arnold with the name "/sphere/cube".

Arnold Operators

The following operators are available: