Getting Started With Kick


Arnold's command-line renderer is called kick. This reads an .ass and .usd file, renders the scene using Arnold, and outputs an image file. Kick can also be used to query Arnold nodes for their parameters and default values. It can also be used for scene debugging.

Kick is included in the plug-in downloads. After installation, you will find it in the bin subdirectory of the Arnold distribution.

Running Kick

To run kick, first, open a shell (terminal). Here's an example on Windows OS.

Kick always loads shaders and procedurals from the current directory, so don't run kick in a folder with lots of other DLLs/SOs/DYLIBs. Kick will try to load each DLL/SO/DYLIB, to check whether it contains shaders or procedurals.

$ set ARNOLD_BIN_PATH=C:\solidangle\Arnold-\bin
Arnold [2cfbe09c] linux clang-3.9.1 oiio-1.7.12 osl-1.8.2 vdb-4.0.0 rlm-12.2.2 2017/04/10 16:48:44
No arguments. Try kick --help for a command summary 

Useful Commands

To try out the following commands download one of the files like cornell.ass from the example ass files page.

One of the most useful commands is "-h" or "--help". This will display a list of all the available options in kick:

kick -h 

Use the "-i" option to read an .ass file and render it:

kick -i path/to/cornell.ass 

Note that the "-i" option is not strictly necessary, kick automatically recognizes arguments ending in .ass, so this works too:

kick path/to/cornell.ass 

By default, a window will pop up displaying the image as it's being rendered. You can turn off the display window with the '-dw' option:

kick cornell.ass -dw 

If the geometry is colored pink, it could be because the path to the shaders may be required. This can be added using the "-l" flag :

kick cornell.ass -l /path/to/plugin/shaders/ 

Log information is sent to stdout. You can increase or decrease the log verbosity with the "-v " option (default verbosity is 1). The most verbose option is "-v 6":

kick cornell.ass -v 2 

Switch off the log output with "-v 0" :

kick cornell.ass -v 0 

To save the rendered image in an output file use the "-o" flag :

kick cornell.ass -o cornell.exr 

Change the render display size with the "-r " option :

kick cornell.ass -r 1024 720 

Print the Arnold version number, or the entire version string :

kick -av
kick --version 

Print diagnostic information about the license servers and list installed licenses available and in use :

kick -licensecheck 

To override the antialiasing samples:

kick cornell.ass -as 3 

To override the diffuse GI samples:

kick cornell.ass -ds 3 

To disable the progressive refinement mode:

kick cornell.ass -dp  

For debugging purposes you can globally disable several features like textures, lights, and shaders, motion blur, subdivs, displacement or SSS:

kick cornell.ass -it 
kick cornell.ass -il 
kick cornell.ass -is
kick cornell.ass -imb -isd -idisp -isss 

You can install custom Arnold nodes by loading them from a dynamic library (.dll or .so) with:

 kick cornell.ass -l path\to\plugin -l path\to\more\\plugins 

You can also get a list of all the installed nodes (both built-in and dynamically-loaded) with:

kick -nodes
kick -l path\to\plugins -nodes 

You can inspect nodes with "-info":

kick -info polymesh 
kick -info options
kick -l path\to\plugins -info custom_plugin_node 

Or get more information about a given parameter:

kick -info polymesh.sidedness
kick -info options.bucket_scanning 

Override any parameter of any node using the "-set" command:

kick cornell.ass -set options.AA_samples 3 

Override any parameter of all nodes of a particular type:

kick cornell.ass -set curves.mode thick 

Get kick to abort the render if no valid license is found, rather than rendering with a watermark:

kick cornell.ass -set options.abort_on_license_fail true 

Override several parameters:

kick first.ass -set options.AA_samples 3 -set options.bucket_size 16 

Interactive Mode

To render in interactive mode use the "-ipr q" option. This will allow you to (very crudely) navigate the scene and switch to various debug shading modes such as flat/smooth normals, UVs, wireframe, etc.:

kick cornell.ass -ipr q 
$ kick -lcs scene.ass
Available color spaces from color manager "defaultColorMgtGlobals" of type "color_manager_syncolor:
   ARRI LogC
   camera Rec 709
   Sony SLog2
   Log film scan (ADX)
   Log-to-Lin (cineon)
   Log-to-Lin (jzp)
   scene-linear CIE XYZ
   scene-linear DCI-P3
   scene-linear Rec 2020
   scene-linear Rec 709/sRGB
   gamma 1.8 Rec 709
   gamma 2.2 Rec 709
   gamma 2.4 Rec 709 (video)
   ACES RRT v0.7
   ACES RRT v1.0
   1.8 gamma
   2.2 gamma
   Rec 709 gamma
   sRGB gamma
   Stingray tone-map 

How to Impose a Specific Color Space to the Kick Display Window (sRGB Gamma by Default)

$ kick -ocs “Log” scene.ass 

Following the integration of the Color Management, the .ass files now rely on access to the Autodesk Color Management catalog (when color management is enabled). That path is present in the color_manager_syncolor node. However, to have more flexibility, the environment variable SYNCOLOR could be used to override the path.

$ export SYNCOLOR=/path/to/synColorConfig.xml 

You can find an example of the configuration file in the Maya preferences folder.