Color Correcting Donut Sprinkles tutorial

In this tutorial, we will use the versatile utility shader to generate random colors for the sprinkles on a donut. We will then use a variety of color shaders to further adjust the colors of the sprinkles.

A simplified scene file can be downloaded here.

Standard Surface

Utility Shader - Color Mode

utility map -> standard_surface.base_color shader

Random - Seed

We can use the random shader to create variations of color for our sprinkles.

Random's seed parameter animated (utility shader set to object mode)


We can also use the composite shader to mix in another color using a blend mode.

Color of sprinkles tinted with an orange color using the multiply operation of the composite shader

Change B color to orange and Operation to multiply

Color Convert

Another way to change the colors of the sprinkles is to use a color_convert shader.

Color space converted to xyY

Color Correct

Once you are happy with the general colors of the sprinkles, you can use a color_correct shader to further fine-tune their appearance.

Fine-tune the colors using a color_correct shader

That concludes this tutorial. Have a go at experimenting with some of the other color correct shaders to create some different variations of color.