Wear and Tear tutorial with the Curvature Shader

The curvature shader is an easy way to add detail and realism to your shaders. In this short tutorial, we will use the curvature shader to create a wear and tear shading effect. It will be used to represent where the edges of a hard surface are scraped on the model of a mech. Notice in the image above how the edges of the paint appear worn off, exposing the metal underneath.


You can use either a layer shader or a mix_shader in this tutorial.

The shader used in this scene can be downloaded here.

Mix Shader

A mix_shader is used to layer two different standard_surface shaders. We will use one standard_surface shader for the top green paint layer (green) and another standard_surface shader to represent the exposed metallic surface underneath.

Curvature Shader

without noise shader with noise shader


bias: 0 bias: 0.5 (default) bias: 1


curvature_samples: 3 curvature_samples: 6

cell_noise -> curvature -> mix_weight