Cell Noise Displacement Effect tutorial

cell_noise.amplitude keyframed

Cell_noise is a very versatile shader that can be used to reproduce a wide variety of shading effects. In this short and simple tutorial, we will show possible uses for it to produce an abstract 'collage' style graphic effect. We will connect the cell_noise shader to the displacement attribute of a transparent object in front of the camera to distort the subject matter behind it (in this case a head). We will use the various attributes of the cell_noise shader to reproduce some of the example images below (all of which can be animated).

The digital Emily model can be downloaded here.

A simple scene file can be downloaded here.

base_weight: 0

specular_weight: 0

transmission_weight: 1

Specular IOR

Try changing the standard_surface.specular_ior value to see its effect (remember you can use values below 1 too).

0.5 1 1.5

Cell Noise


Below are renders using the various noise patterns of the cell_noise shader.

noise1 (default) worley1 alligator


Changing the randomness value can have a big effect on the result.

0 0.5 1

Further Examples

Once you have mastered this effect, why not try applying it to different scenes to see what you can achieve. You could also try adding other shaders to alter the effect of the cell_noise shader such as utility, ramps, and color_correct. Below are some further examples using these techniques.