Toon Shading a Building

This short tutorial covers how to create an old, worn 'illustrative' sketch-style using the toon shader to create the above image. It covers how to use base_tonemap and edge_detection in combination with bump mapping using a noise shader to create a hatching effect. Thanks to Javier Garcia-Lajara Herrero for the use of his convent model.

Edge Detection

Base Tonemap

without base_tonemap b&w ramp > base_tonemap

Hatching (Noise Shader)

Next, we will add a hatching style to the toon.edge. To do this we can bump (or displace) the surface.

noise.scale_y: 1 noise.scale_y: 0.01
cell1 wispy
billow perlin

Various Noise shaders -> Bump Mapping

Final Rendering

ramp_rgbtoonMap to Material