Turbulence FD Example

In this tutorial, we will explore ways to reduce noise by altering various sampling values. We will look at various types of noise that can come from a number of places such as lights and volumes. In this case, we will be using one of the example scenes that come with Turbulence FD. The scene used in this example is called steam.c4d and can be found in the 'Examples' folder within the Turbulence FD plugin folder.


The final TFD C4D (R17) scene file can be downloaded here.

The tutorial is divided into the following chapters:

Standard Volume


Volume Noise

Volume Indirect

Step Size


Standard Volume


We will now look at improving the lighting and reducing noise in the scene.

You should notice that the noise in the shadowed areas on the floor is improved when increasing the number of light samples.

Light samples: 1 Light samples: 3

Volume Noise

There is still some noise within the TFD container itself. To improve this noise we need to increase the number of volume samples for the light.

Volume samples in the Arnold Parameters tag for the light

Increasing the number of volume samples in the light's Arnold Tag Parameters will decrease noise within the TFD container volume. Increasing the number of Camera (AA) samples would also help to decrease noise in the volume. However, increasing Camera (AA) samples will significantly increase render times as it might take many AA samples to fully resolve noise in the TFD container volume. Remember to balance volume samples against AA samples, do not drastically increase both at the same time.

Volume samples: 1 Volume samples: 3

Placing the light inside the volume produces bright pixels known as 'fireflies'. To reduce this effect you can increase the number of volume samples for the light.

Volume samples: 2 Volume samples: 4

Volume Indirect

Volume Indirect can be found in the samples section of the Render Settings window. By default, C4DtoA will not compute indirect lighting of a volume such as a TFD container, as it is computationally very expensive. In the next step, we will demonstrate the effect of adjusting 'volume indirect' samples.

Step Size

C4DtoA will render the TFD container with a default step size of 10 cm. If the size is too large, the ray marching will skip details in the volume and you may notice aliasing, bias or banding within the TFD container. A way to fix this problem is to add an Arnold tag to the TFD container and reduce the step size to a smaller value, such as 1 cm. Smaller (and therefore more accurate) steps will increase render times while larger steps will render more quickly. The step size is an absolute unit, not relative, and therefore an appropriate step size also depends on the scale of the scene.

Step size reduced to 0.01 in Arnold Parameters for TFD container

Step_size: 0.1 (default) Step_size: 0.01


Once you are happy with the results and are ready for the final render, it is time to increase the number of Camera (AA) samples. Something like 5 or 6 should suffice.