This shader creates a procedural flake normal map that can be used for materials such as car paint.
3d flakes will not render correctly if the camera is positioned inside a polymesh.
A typical workflow would be to connect flakes to the 'normal' of standard_surface.
You can also connect the mask (alpha channel) of the flakes shader to a mix_shader to drive different colors for the flakes. For example, you couldĀ make the flakes metallic and the other parts glass by mixing them together using a mix_shader.
mix_shader connected to alpha mask of flakes shader
You can use the mix_shader to mix multiple flakes shaders together with different density and normal_randomize values. In the car paint example below, a second flakes shader has been used to create brighter flakes that are visible around the highlight.
Two different flakes shaders combined together with a mix_shader