
18 Oct 2021

MtoA 5.0.0 introduces Arnold and is a major feature release bringing parallel preview renders on the CPU, multiple outputs for OSL and custom shaders, brand new imagers, and many other enhancements and bug fixes.


System Requirements

Maya Plugins Compatibility

MtoA 5.0.0 works with the following Maya plugins:


*   **Higher quality AI denoising:** The OptiX and OIDN denoisers now use the newly introduced *denoise_albedo_noisy* AOV as the albedo feature AOV provided to the denoiser. This adds specular reflections and refractions to the albedo, which can improve denoiser quality. Below are comparisons between undenoised and Optix denoised with the old and new albedo AOV (ARNOLD-10812).

|  |  |  |
| --- | --- | --- |
| ![](../../../images/am-500-sima-as3-albedoD-optix-4.jpg) | ![](../../../images/am-500-sima-as3-albedoS7-denoise-optix-5.jpg) | ![](../../../images/am-500-sima-as3-undenoised-6.jpg) |



|  |  |  |
| --- | --- | --- |
| ![](../../../images/am-500-1-archinteriors-kitchen-as3-albedoS7-undenoised-7.png) | ![](../../../images/am-500-2-archinteriors-kitchen-as3-albedoD-optix-8.png) | ![](../../../images/am-500-3-rchinteriors-kitchen-as3-albedoS7-optix-9.png) |



<sup><strong>Undenoised (left), Optix diffuse albedo (center), Optix diffuse+specular albedo (right).</strong></sup>
The existing API ( `AiBegin` ) creates a default universe and render session, which can be used or ignored. Additional universes can be created and destroyed as usual with their API, but there is a new API that allows creating/destroying and using render sessions:

 AtUniverse* universe = AiUniverse();
AtRenderSession* rs = AiRenderSession(universe);
. . .


GPU Enhancements

USD Enhancements

Incompatible Changes

Bug Fixes