Automotive Exterior Rendering

shadow_matte shader applied to floor plane

This tutorial will cover how to light, shade, and render a car model using an exterior HDRI and backplate image. It will show you how to light the car model using an Arnold skydome_light. It covers how to realistically shade the car model using the car_paint and standard_surface shaders. We will also use the shadow_matte shader to composite the car model onto a photographic backplate.

Importing the CAD Data


Maya does not support .SLDPRT and .SLDASM files. You could download the trial version of 3ds Max and then export them as something Maya can open such as .stp. Alternatively, you could try opening the file 01-AVENTADOR LP700.STEP. Be warned, however, that it will open as a heavy NURBS data set.

Floor Plane

Background (Backplate)

Now we want to bring the photographic backplate into MtoA.

BACKPLATE-L-_NIK2854.TIF -> RenderCam -> Image Plane

Skydome Lighting

To light the scene we will connect the HDRI to the skydome_light.color.

If you are not sure how the lighting should look, add a sphere to the scene, assign a standard_surface shader to it, and increase the metalness to 1. This will give you a chrome sphere with which to match the reflections to the backplate. You could also create another sphere with a dull gray shader to also match the lighting.

DA-STR-MB1-HDR-B-4K-SPEED+96.exr -> skydome_light -> Color/Intensity -> Texture

Offscreen Color (shadow_matte)

If we look closer we can see that something is not quite right with the reflection of the floor plane in the reflective sphere. There may be areas visible in the specular reflections which are outside of the background plate; so-called offscreen areas. The shadow_matte.offscreen_color parameter defines the color used for these offscreen areas; you can link a texture for instance.

Without offscreen_color With offscreen_color (default)

Offscreen Color found under Arnold attributes of image plane. shadow_matte.background is set to background_color.


Once you are happy with the lighting and environment it is time to move onto shading the car. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will focus on car paint. The other car materials (windscreen glass, rims, plastic, etc) can be downloaded in the link at the top of the page.

Two-Tone Metallic Car Paint

Now let's create a two-tone car_paint shader and apply it to the car body geometry.

Base_color: blue (with default settings) Two-tone car_paint. Base_color: blue, specular_color: purple.

Change the following parameters:

Two-tone car_paint attribute settings


Now let's move on to shading the headlights.

When rendering glass and metals (and diffuse surfaces) , it is very important that the normals of the geometry face in the right direction, otherwise you may get incorrect results when rendered. This can be an issue when importing models from other CAD applications where the normal direction of surfaces can become inverted.

Scenes with many specular surfaces (such as headlights) require a higher specular_ray_depth value to look correct. specular_ray_depth defines the maximum number of times a ray can be specularly reflected.

Left: specular_ray_depth: 2 (default). Right: specular_ray_depth : 6.


Black Plastic Surround

Metallic Light Fitting

The piece of glass in front of the light bulb ( 01-HEADLIGHTS-1-surface12 ) is single-sided geometry. Thin_walled is ideal for thin (single-sided) objects, like bubbles for example.

It is recommended that thin_walled only be used with thin objects (single-sided geometry) as objects with thickness may render incorrectly.

That's it. You have reached the end of the tutorial. Well done! We encourage you to spend some more time with the MtoA user guide where you can find other tutorials such as this.