Convert Shaders to Arnold

Convert Shaders to Arnold

Use this to convert existing shaders from Maya or mental ray to standard_surface.

Convert Standard Surface to Arnold OpenPBR

Use this to convert existing shaders from standard_surface to OpenPBR.

Shader Conversion Script

There is also a sample conversion script available in the \scripts directory of the MtoA installation folder. For example, in Windows it would be here:


This simple script converts the following shaders to a standard_surface shader:

aiStandard, aiHair, alSurface, alHair, alLayerColor, alRemapColor, alRemapFloat, alFractal, alFlake, alLayer, lambert, blinn, phong, VRayMtl, mia_material_x_passes, mia_material_x, and dielectric_material.

The Maya shaders will be converted to standard_surface shaders and will approximate the attributes of the Maya shader.


Converted standard_surface shaders render black Phong reflectivity values convert to coat_weight: 1. This may cause any newly converted standard_surface shaders to render as black. If that is the case, try setting coat_weight to 0.