Autodesk Structural Bridge Design Tutorials


This set of Eurocode tutorials is intended to act as a general guide to the solution of typical examples in Autodesk® Structural Bridge Design. There are ten sections, each containing a number of workshop examples that the user can work through using the application, by following the described procedures. Most workshops are simple and intended for relatively new users to the system but there are also some more detailed examples providing an insight into some of the more advanced capabilities of the software.


Some of the examples require data files to be loaded or opened. All these files can be found in the following folder:

C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Autodesk\Structural Bridge Design{{ product_year }}\Examples\EN Data Files

or open directly from the Help | Tutorials | Open Tutorial Model menu item.

At the end of some examples the user is asked to save a data file which may be used in a subsequent example. To prevent the overwriting of the supplied files different file names have been used. These files can optionally be used as input instead of the supplied data files if required.


An example of setting up template files is given in Section 1.1, which are saved in a user defined templates folder for use in subsequent examples. If it is required to work on an example without first carrying out Section 1 then please ensure that the template files provided are copied into an appropriate templates folder, which can be pointed to in the software using the Options | Preferences menu item.


The procedure for each example is given as a series of step by step instructions, making reference to data form names, field names, user input, menu items, etc. To enhance the readability of these instructions some basic rules have been followed when preparing these instructions.

  1. Text in bold with a vertical bar separating words indicates a menu item (for example, Options | Preferences).
  2. Form names, data field labels and drop down lists are indicated as italic text such as Define Beam Loading.
  3. Text in double quotation marks generally indicates a button found on a data form or user input (for example, click on the "OK" button).