Command Line

The command line is docked in the bottom left of the drawing area and displays prompts, options, and messages.

The command line is used to input commands, typically by using a keyboard, as an alternative to using the command palette that is in the bottom of the left-side panel.


Notice that as you start to type a command, you'll see command suggestions. When several possibilities are available such as in the example below, you can make your choice by clicking the desired option, or by using the arrow keys and then pressing Enter.


When a commmand is in progress, or "active," you might see prompts or options within the command. For instance, in the example below, if the CIRCLE command is active, and you want to switch the specification style for a circle to 3-point, 2-point, or tangent-tangent-radius, you can use the command line.


To switch to 3-point, you can either click the "3P" button in the prompt, or type "3P" and press Enter.