Silent Windows installation
To install:
- Copy the local media to your Windows client.
- On the Command line, go to the root of the product and enter this command:
setup.exe -q
To uninstall:
- If you have local media on the client, follow these steps:
- Open a command prompt window.
- Navigate to the local media folder for your product.
- In the root, enter the following command:
setup.exe -i uninstall -q
- If you don't have local media on the client, but have installed the product on the client, follow these steps:
- Open a command prompt window.
- Enter the following:
"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AdODIS\V1\Installer.exe" -i uninstall -q -m C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ODIS\metadata\{upi2}\bundleManifest.xml
Note: In the preceding command,
upi2 is a product-specific placeholder. Replace it with the corresponding value in the client path. (You can find this value in the
setup.xml file.) The following example shows the product-specific code for Maya 2020:
"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AdODIS\V1\Installer.exe" -i uninstall -q -m C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ODIS\metadata\{5320B971-D86B-442A-80A9-779EBF3516B8}\bundleManifest.xml
Silent macOS installation
- Copy the local media to your macOS client.
- Open a Terminal window.
- Enter the following on the Command line:
sudo /Volumes/<Product name>/…/Setup –q
Note: Replace <Product name> with the name of the product you are installing. Replace the three dots with the path to the Setup.
Here's an example using Maya 2020 for Mac:
sudo /Volumes/Maya\ 2020\ Installer/Install\ Maya\ -q
Install silently on macOS using a secure shell (SSH)
- Connect to the macOS client using SSH.
- Copy the local media to your macOS client or to a local folder.
- From the SSH Terminal, mount the DMG file. Enter the following on the Command line:
sudo hdiutil attach
- From the SSH terminal, enter the following on the Command line:
sudo /Volumes/ <Product name>\ …\Setup -q
Note: Replace < Product name > with the name of the product you want to install. Replace the three dots with the path to the Setup.
Here's an example using Maya 2020 for Mac:
sudo /Volumes/Maya\ 2020\ Installer/Install\ Maya\ /Contents/MacOS/Setup --q
Silent Linux installation
- Copy the local media to your Linux client.
- Open a Terminal window and navigate to the root of the Autodesk product location.
- Enter the following command:
sudo ./Setup –q
Install remotely and silently using a secure shell (SSH)
- Copy the Autodesk product package to the client and extract it if needed (or mount a shared drive).
- Using SSH, enter this command to install the
product installer silently on the client:
sudo <Autodesk product root folder or mount>/ODIS/ --unattendedmodeui none --mode unattended --prefix /usr/local/Autodesk/AdODIS/V1
Note: The preceding command installs the
product installer here:
- Now install the Autodesk
product remotely, using the Command line in SSH:
/usr/local/Autodesk/AdODIS/V1/Installer -i install -q -m /<Product root folder or mount>/setup.xml -x /usr/local/Autodesk/AdODIS/V1/SetupRes/manifest.xsd