To configure and install software

Choose an installation method to download and install your product.

Installation varies according to whether you start it from Autodesk Account or the Autodesk desktop app (available only in Windows). In addition, some products provide improved installation services, which add efficiency and support silent installations. If you don't know whether your product uses classic or improved improved installation services, see Does my product use the improved installation services?

  1. Depending on where you are installing from, do one of the following:
    • Choose an install method from Autodesk Account or click Install from the Autodesk desktop app (Windows only).
    • If you chose the Download Now method from Account to download the installer, launch the EXE file (Windows), mount the DMG file (macOS), or extract the TAR file (Linux) associated with your product and version. For example, for a Windows product, launch setup.exe.
    • If your product was delivered on media, find the EXE and launch it from there.
  2. If prompted, read and accept the license agreement for your country or region.
  3. Click Install.
  4. If you see a Product Language drop-down menu, choose the language that the user speaks. (If you don't see a Product Language menu, you can download and install a language pack after the product is installed.)
  5. Accept the default installation path or specify a new one.
  6. Configure your installation:
    • Accept the default configuration by clicking Install. This option preselects the core components to be installed with your product.
    • Customize the installation by selecting or deselecting components, adding service packs, and so on. For details about configuration, see your product documentation. After you select the components, click Install.
  7. Review the list of installed products and close the installer.