Uninstall NLM from Windows, macOS, or Linux
From Windows
- Locate LMTOOLS Utility in the Start menu.
- In LMTOOLS, click the Start/Stop/Reread tab, and then click Stop Server.
- Close LMTOOLS.
- In the Windows Control Panel, locate Autodesk Network License Manager in the list of programs, and uninstall it by clicking Remove or Uninstall.
- If prompted, restart your computer.
- Manually delete files that you created for use with Network License Manager, such as log files, license files, and the options file. These files are located in C:\Autodesk\Network License Manager.
From macOS
Stop the license server before you uninstall NLM.
From Linux
Stop the license server before you uninstall NLM.
- Open a shell as a superuser.
- Enter the following command to verify the package number of the Network License Manager software that you installed:
rpm -qa | grep adlm
- Enter the following command to uninstall the Network License Manager package, where # is the package number:
rpm -e adlmflexnetserver-#.rpm
- If you edited your
rc.local file to configure your license server (for example, to start lmgrd), remove those commands from the
rc.local file.