Teams learn from their failure to complete promised work by tracking whether work is complete by the promised date, by capturing root causes, and by discussing them each week.
Planned Percent Complete (PPC) is the percentage of work activities completed on the day they are planned. Results are reported and reviewed with the team in the Weekly Work Plan meeting. The team should create an action plan for improvement based on the reviewed metrics.
To monitor progress, the following reports are available.
PPC Weekly
See how Planned Percent Complete (PPC) has changed during any weekly period. Select a custom time frame to focus in on a particular period of time.
PPC Summary
Summarize PPC performance for a specific week, as well as for the periods prior to that week. Enter a date to set the time frame and select a primary filter to break out the PPC details in the table below.
Activity Volume
View the status of activities over the past week, the current week or predictions for next week. Click a status from Incomplete, Complete, Committed, Backlog and Open to focus on those activities only.
PPC Snapshot
View performance over a specific period of time. Choose the start and end dates or enter a custom time frame. Select a primary filter from Company, Location or WBS to define the vertical axis labels.
Root Causes
See the most common causes for incomplete activities. Select a time frame and filter by Company, Location and more. You can expand the rows of the table to view more detailed information.
To Create a Report
Click Reports and select a report type.
Filter the report by Date, Company, Location or More.
Parent topic: Workflow: Production Planning Process
Previous topic: Daily Check-Ins