Weekly Work Plan
The Weekly Work Plan (WWP) is created by the Last Planners each week as the most reliable commitment of what will be done during the next week.
Only ready work, which the Last Planners are confident can be completed within the week, should be put into this plan. Work that cannot be completed within the week should not be promised on the Weekly Work Plan. This is fundamentally different from the pull planning session, as you start with the current week and move on to the following week.
- Weekly Coordination Meeting Preparation
- Target Thursdays for your weekly planning session.
- This allows the team enough time to resolve any open questions and finalize the WWP by Friday.
- Require mandatory attendance of the Last Planners who can make commitments for the crews in the field.
- Set clear expectations
- Trade partners must be prepared with the upcoming week's planned activities (from the LAP).
- Add any activities into BIM 360 Plan before the meeting.
- No activity duration is longer than 5 days.
- All activities are clearly defined and free of any roadblocks.
- Meeting Management
- The superintendent should facilitate the discussion.
- (Optional) Discuss Safety: 5 minutes.
- Review results from last week: 10 minutes.
- All committed activities have been updated. Another team member (project engineer) updates BIM 360 Plan or takes notes during the meeting.
- Quickly review the PPC and Root Causes.
- Finalize the production plan for next week: 35 minutes.
- Each trade presents their plan to the rest of the group.
- Require explicit commitments from each stakeholder.
- Parking Lot: Create parking lot for items that would require extended discussion.
- Plus/Delta: 5 minutes
- Post Meeting. The plan is distributed to participants shortly after the meeting.
Parent topic: Workflow: Production Planning Process
Previous topic: Look Ahead Plan
Next topic: Daily Check-Ins