About Layout Principles (Mobile)

Good practices for setting up and configuring your layout instruments or total station.

These instructions are intended as a guide only. Please refer to manufacturer's recommendations to fully calibrate your total station.

About Coordinate Systems

There are several coordinate systems used by surveyors. The State Plane Coordinate System is typically used in the United States, others include Northing (Y) and Easting (X) and True North. Coordinates may be communicated in:

You should confirm that the import settings format in your total station matches the file format of the BIM/CAD software.

About Control Points

By setting control points, you can ensure that specific points in your model match their corresponding points in the field. When establishing control, take account of the following:

About Setup Routines

A setup routine completes the orientation of the total station equipment with the BIM information and the job site. Without a completed setup routine, the total station has no idea where it is in the world. A standard setup routine includes:

See also Layout Setup Guide for a downloadable copy of this help.