Use color variations to modify the color of elements in model views and save them for future revisions.
In addition to colors, transparencies can also be saved as variations. When you modify color or transparency, you can save a new model view to save the variations that are specific to that model view.
Add Color to Elements
- In the model, select the elements.
- In the BIM 360 toolbar, click
- Click
Add Color, and select a color. The color is automatically applied to the selected elements.
- (Optional) Specify a title for the variation.
- Specify whether the variation is projectwide or private.
- Click Save.
You can select Show Project Member Colors to see color variations that team members have saved.
Rename Variations
- In the BIM 360 toolbar, click
- Right-click the variation, select Rename, and type a name.
Delete Variations
- In the BIM 360 toolbar, click
- Select the variation in the list and click Delete or select
More Actions and select Delete.