Use the Map to navigate through models in the BIM 360 Glue mobile app.
The Map is a navigation tool that locates your current position in the model, and helps you navigate to different locations. By displaying your model in a map view mode, you can move easily across a floor plan and jump to different floor levels, and then switch back to the model view to see your position in a 3D context.
Whilst panning and zooming the view, the Map helps orient you by displaying an arrow to indicate the viewpath or direction you are facing. Then once you have selected a position on the Map, you can easily switch to that same position, but on another level of the building.
Your model must contain grid lines in order to use Map tools.
To Display Grid Lines in Map
To Find your Current Location
A floor plan is displayed with the map selector to show your current position. The arrow on the map selector indicates the direction you are facing. The floor level of your current location is also displayed.
To Move to a New Location on the Same Level
To Move to the Same Location on Another Level
To Rotate the Map Selector
To Zoom the Map
To Pan the Map
To Return to 3D Model
To learn more, watch this BIM 360 Glue Mobile app video: 2D Navigation using the Map Feature.