About Section Boxes

You can use a section box to focus your review on specific areas of the model.

You can move, rotate, and scale the section box with the sectioning gizmos. You can also manipulate the section box numerically.

By default, when a section box is enabled, the move gizmo is used, unless you have already selected a different gizmo before activating the section box. All gizmos share the same location/rotation. Moving one gizmo affects the position of others.

When the section box is first created, the default size of the box is based on the bounds of the current viewpoint. The box is created to fill the view so that no part of the box is drawn off-screen. Afterward, enabling a section box restores the saved position, rotation, and scale information used if it is available for the current viewpoint.

Note: To save section box settings, you need to save the current view with sectioning enabled and in box mode.