
Get Started with Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro for Government

This section is intended to help you get up and running with Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro for Government. It includes information on account setup, project setup, and activation.

About Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro for Government

Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro for Government provides access to the following functionality:

  • Revit Cloud Worksharing.
  • The Design Collaboration, Document Management, Account Admin, and Project Admin modules.

Assign Access to Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro for Government

Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro for Government access, including access to Revit Cloud Worksharing, is provided to individual users by a Contract Manager or Software Coordinator from the Autodesk Account using their federal ID.

Note: The Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro for Government entitlement is only available in the Classic View of the Autodesk Account. See the Assign Products and Services to Users in the Classic View topic to learn more about managing entitlements in the classic view.

The Revit Cloud Worksharing entitlement must be assigned separately in the Autodesk Account. See the Provide Access to Revit Cloud Worksharing topic for more.


Autodesk for Government has two levels of administration: account and project.

Account administrators:

  • Set up the account profile
  • Create projects and activate services
  • Assign project administrators
  • Add third-party app integrations

These actions are carried out within the Account Admin module.

Project administrators:

  • Invite, edit, and remove project members
  • Edit the project profile
  • Control project permissions

These actions are carried out within the Project Admin module.

Activate Autodesk for Government

When an Autodesk for Government subscription is created, the first account administrator receives a welcome email that is required to activate Autodesk for Government. After Autodesk for Government is activated for your account, an account administrator can manage your account profile. This includes steps like customizing the account name and image and inviting additional account administrators.

Create Projects and Activate Services

The next key step for an account administrator is to create a project and activate Document Management and Design Collaboration.

Manage Project Members and Module Access

Project administrators can now add project members and provide those members with permission to access the Document Management and Design Collaboration modules.

Invited members receive a link to join the project. After clicking this link, members simply sign in using a federal Autodesk ID and password.

For Revit workflows, it is worth noting that there are two layers of team setup required. First, an administrator must provide members with access to Document Management, where the documents in the collaborative workflows are stored. Next, an administrator must provide members with access to Design Collaboration, and add them to a team so they can access the shared team folder.

Organize Folders for the Project

Every project starts with preconfigured, top-level folders to support a specific process or data type. These are called the Plans and Project Files folders. When project administrators set up teams for the Design Collaboration module (applicable to Revit workflows), new Shared and Consumed folders are created automatically in Document Management in the Project Files folder. This automated method of folder creation is recommended as all the required subfolders and permissions are created when a team is added.


The Design Collaboration module only supports documents inside the Project Files folder.

Manage Teams and Team Members

In the Design Collaboration module, a project administrator can manage teams and team members. After a team is created, a dedicated team space is added in the Design Collaboration module. The required folders for sharing and consuming packages are also created, as discussed above. The teams must be created before using Design Collaboration.

As an alternative, you can create your own folders in Document Management for the Shared and Consumed spaces. You can assign teams to these folders during the team setup.


The Shared and Consumed folders are required for the data exchange workflows using packages and the project timeline in Design Collaboration.

Design Collaboration

The Design Collaboration module improves multi-firm project teams’ ability to meet the demands of a modern construction project. Enhanced permissions allow individual teams to work in their own space, and collaborate with complete control of how other project teams see the state of their work. The Design Collaboration module provides an experience catered to the way teams think about their project data.

  • A project timeline visually communicates the exchange of deliverables between teams.
  • An automated and always up-to-date viewing experience allows everybody on the project team, even those not working in Revit, to understand the current state of the design and see how it has changed over time.
  • A managed process of data exchange allows sharing teams to curate the information most relevant to their latest efforts. It also allows teams accepting incoming information to understand those updates in a visual and actionable way.

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