Business Units

Account administrators can create a multilevel list of business units or regions to assign to projects.

Business units are an optional setting used for reporting and analytics. Customers use them to organize projects to correspond to different business units within their respective organizations.

For example, a construction firm may have different divisions depending on project type: Buildings, Interiors, Infrastructure, etc. An Account Administrator can set up business units in BIM 360 to reflect the organizational structure so that all projects in the "Buildings" group are tagged accordingly. This information can be leveraged by executives to understand project performance across a company. It's also useful if you export analytical data to an external Business Intelligence system.

Add Business Units

  1. In the Account Admin module, click the Settings tab.
  2. Click the Business Units secondary tab.
  3. Click + Add a top level unit to add a parent business unit.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click the blue Add (+) icon in the top level business unit row to add a business sub-unit.
  6. Add the name of the business sub-unit in the Enter Name field.
  7. Click Save.
Note: To move a business unit above or below another in the list structure, hover your cursor over it until the pointer becomes a cross with arrowheads and drag the unit to the desired location in the list.